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Film Camera Repair
$30.00 Estimate


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     Tuesday - Saturday


Digital Camera Repair
Digital Camera Repair

The camera estimate is $30.00.  Your camera will be sent out to be estimated by the repair house. Many of our Repairs go Directly to Canon Factory Repair for a Canon Authorized Repair.

If it is a point and shoot and the repair is less than $150 the repair WILL be done without a call back to you.  If repair is a SLR and is less than $250 the repail WILL be done without a call back to you.  If the cost for repair is over $150 for your point and shoot or over $250 for your SLR we will call you with the estimate and you can choose to have it repaired or sent back un reparied.  If  the camera is repaired the $30 deposit will go towards the cost of repair.  If you choose NOT to have the camera repaired the $30 IS NOT REFUNDABLE.

$30.00 Estimate.
Canon and Nikon Factory Repairs!
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